Our Mission

“We are here to create a space for our youth to feel their promise, strength and potential through connection with the ocean and surfing”


At the Asbury Park Surf Club we are advancing access and ocean education equity for students in beach side, former Abbott communities that have a history of limited access to the ocean and local beaches.

We understand the ocean is a healing place. When children surf & connect to their natural environment, they grow. They acquire self confidence, improve in peer relationships & experience an increase in emotional processing and self-regulation. We are bringing mindfulness, wellness, health, and environmental awareness to children in these seaside communities.


A Brief History

2019 - An Idea

  • APSC formed in response to a global pandemic combined with a social awakening around inequality that still permeates American society.

  • As the pandemic continued, it was clear that being outdoors was the safest place, but at the time most outdoor recreation programs were closed down with no plan to reopen. Even though these programs were shuttered, beaches were still open. We decided that surfing would be a perfect way to safely get local youth outdoors and experiencing something new. We reached out to KYDS (Konsicous Youth Development Services) as they were one of the few organizations doing everything they could to still service the youth in AP. That summer we partnered on 3 lessons focused on an introduction to surfing.

2021- Formation of the Asbury Park Surf Club Non-profit.

  • With such a positive response to our programming with KYDS, we decided to form the APSC with the goal of expanding the sport of surfing within the local community. Upon forming the APSC we agreed on some key principals that would help guide the organization.

    • Every decision would be made with our local youth front of mind and at no point would there be any personal profiting from the services rendered. A 501c3 would need to be formed to ensure this.

    • The APSC is for the city and youth of Asbury Park and Neptune. We are simply the stewards of the organization. The local youth who find interest in surfing and the organization will ultimately determine its path. Our key involvement in the near term is around surf instruction and the gathering of resources and fostering relationships for the future of the APSC.

  • Volunteers - we kicked off the season with a call-to-action to the local surf community to get involved. With an overwhelmingly positive response we were able to put together a group of 15 volunteers.

  • Programming - Over the course of the summer we conducted 20 lessons for KYDS and helped run the surf portion of ‘AP Family Day at the Beach’

2022 and beyond

  • Moving forward, we’re looking to continue outreach in the community by partnering with local businesses and organizations that share our dedication to community involvement.

  • KYDS Summer Journey is back offering surfing lessons for the second year; Confirmed partnership with AP Family day at the beach;

Meet the Founders

  • Lisa Brodrick

  • Chris May

  • Rodney Solomon

  • Phil Browne

  • Mychal Mills